Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Year Resolutions

It really baffles me how the further into life I go, the more of my most gorgeous and most admired girlfriends come out with low self-esteem issues.

It scares me as I am someone who is often regarded as really happy, really lucky and I think I am, as much as I can be. I try to squeeze everything I can out of life, I try to make it more exciting when things are getting grim. But I could never say that my life is super-happy, it is so far away from those happy girls on instagram who #lovelife.

I must mention, I’m not stupid – I know a lot of it is fake and hyped-up. But those words don’t really make me feel better. When it used to be just celebrities in magazines and on TV it was fine. But now it’s ‘real’ people. People like you and me, but the difference is they’re uber happy.

And I feel awful, because I come across as if I’m complaining. All I want to say is that firstly, I want to be honest about how I feel. Secondly, I believe this topic is still not discussed loud enough. And lastly, it helps to feel like I’m not alone, when I read other bloggers’ posts, so hopefully I can help someone feel better too.

I struggle with self-love quite a bit. It's so difficult sometimes, that I don't even admit to myself that I need to love myself more, because I don't deserve even my own love. Ouch!

But the truth is, who will ever be able to love us if we don't love ourselves? If you love yourself, you'll have rays of confidence streaming out of you and you will attract love from other people. And I understand that, which is why my main goal for 2015 is to love myself. I know that there are a lot of people who struggle with it, so I wanted to share the main things that I will be focusing on. 

Some of these I already do and they help me feel better about myself - good old sense of achievement. And the other I really struggle with and I battle through my days trying to get better at it.